swishface Quoteconut Data

Highlights Quotes Commands



  ID Date Submitter Quote
5892015-05-26 11:38:44glitchcogLet's do 20 pounds of cocaine!
5902015-05-26 11:38:55glitchcogThese farts are getting complicated.
5912015-05-26 11:39:05glitchcogLittle kid- "Will you play with me?" Swish, "Sure, if it's quest related."
5922015-05-26 11:39:16glitchcogpoutine, it sounds like some kind of... cheese device
5932015-05-26 11:40:27glitchcogI'm the inspiration for that girl being able to articulate how meaningless life is. Thanks.
5942015-05-26 11:40:34glitchcogNiki's less of a tank, and more of a... sponge.
5952015-05-26 11:40:55glitchcogIntelligence doesnt help me at all right now
5962015-05-26 11:49:35glitchcogI have a bunch of women things.
6042015-05-27 12:13:49glitchcogGotta step up my game... with nonsense.
6062015-05-28 09:11:28glitchcogI was about to say the same thing, but, you know, without the typo.
6072015-05-28 10:17:48glitchcogBreast Plate?! A cat doesn't have breasts.
6082015-05-28 10:31:27glitchcogI didn't even know I could breed!
6092015-05-28 13:27:50glitchcogI like her Posh haircut. It's very... futuristically modern... for the time.
6102015-05-28 14:36:45glitchcogI should get married more often.
6122015-05-29 12:10:26glitchcogThis time I won't have to do you twice!
6132015-05-29 12:21:05glitchcogYou're new! Please die... goddamnit.
6142015-05-29 12:54:49glitchcogReading's for nerds. Don't bother with it. Your dad could read and it got him killed.
6152015-05-29 15:06:05glitchcogI hate all of you people. Get out of my kingdom.
6162015-05-29 15:16:36itzopqThis game is straight up Lufiary... That's an adjective now.
6172015-05-29 15:31:04glitchcogThis time I won't set myself on fire.
6192015-06-01 13:07:43swishfaceyou dare question the quality of my banana
6212015-06-01 13:24:47swishfaceWhat's a HerrShaun?
6222015-06-02 08:59:05glitchcogThat's what Australians sound like. As soon as we say a vowel, we're fucked.
6232015-06-02 09:59:02itzopqUsually I promise less, but this time I promise nothing.
6242015-06-02 12:33:31swishfaceThat's some ape/monkey bullshit
6252015-06-02 12:46:43raptordioprobably bullshit, told you what raptor does
6262015-06-02 13:00:20raptordioa one piece swimsuit, now that is important
6282015-06-03 11:30:36glitchcogSword on sword violence has to stop. It's tearing our nation apart!
6292015-06-03 11:43:02glitchcogOh! What if I turn myself into a Moogle, and then turn myself not into a Moogle?
6302015-06-03 13:22:18swishfaceI don't like rich food, it makes my mouth tired
6312015-06-03 13:30:35iicrowiiYour Whip went up! Look at what color it is!
6322015-06-03 14:11:55danbrochillevery viewer means a lot to me especially when they are forced to be here
6332015-06-03 14:12:47glitchcogThis game is almost over, I think. So there is hope in my heart.
6342015-06-03 14:40:06raptordioIt is so big! Are we going to get crushed against the wall?
6352015-06-03 15:50:47swishfaceI thought his hair was just five over-ripe bananas tucked into a headband this whole time
6382015-06-05 08:17:44raptordioRaptor creeping the viewer list BigBrother
6392015-06-05 11:14:55glitchcogHow did I not equate bang to sex? I'm losing my edge.
6402015-06-05 13:14:57raptordioDragons are the hardest... it is the quest I am on.
6552015-06-07 12:48:20itzopqThat sounds like ritzy ditzy dick sucking.
6562015-06-07 14:02:53itzopqI just walk up, stab myself in the leg, and hand the enemy a bandage.
6582015-06-07 15:58:01swishfacethanks Captain Thesaurus
6632015-06-08 11:55:10swishfaceMenuing is the biggest challenge in an RPG
6642015-06-08 11:55:26glitchcogSwish strategies: I can't afford boots, but everyone has the best armour they can have.
6652015-06-08 12:26:35glitchcogThat's what I call tactics!
6682015-06-09 09:04:26glitchcogIf I die, that's bad.
6692015-06-09 09:39:33spectralistIt's not my fault I screwed up and have to do this
6712015-06-10 09:10:55glitchcogI remembered to sleep in the graveyard today! I mean hotel.
6722015-06-10 12:11:14geekbean41% - guaranteed! Damn it...
6732015-06-10 13:13:57glitchcogThat's a lot of dudes, but I don't fear death anymore.
6812015-06-11 09:42:17glitchcogDo you take me as some kind of furry? I like regular animals.
6822015-06-11 10:42:26glitchcogThat's right, everybody heard me! I'm the Lebron James of Final Fantasy Tactics.
6832015-06-11 10:52:27glitchcogCan I punch you in the back of the kneecap?
6852015-06-11 14:49:34itzopqyes! it worked! get the sex onto your body!
6872015-06-11 16:04:17itzopqyou know what they say, spec. you're the smartest man in the world.
6882015-06-11 16:04:35z7moonI'm the Lebron James of Final Fantasy Tactics
6942015-06-12 14:34:11itzopqyou're not the wrongest
6952015-06-12 14:34:21swishfaceyou're not the wrongest
6962015-06-15 13:20:33itzopq1300 rating on gosugamers? I guess that's good? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6972015-06-16 14:48:29danbrochillit gets better like a fine wine, but ya know...it's armor
6982015-06-18 13:00:38itzopqeep! that's my biggest weakness, next to perspective.
6992015-06-18 14:38:17itzopqjust because I hate playing the game, doesn't mean I don't enjoy watching other people tear it apart with speedruns
7092015-06-23 08:22:33glitchcogSeahorses please!
7102015-06-23 08:23:27glitchcogOh right, I can shoot up!
7112015-06-23 08:23:43glitchcogI missed my health because I was drinking!
7122015-06-23 08:35:50glitchcogHey kids, this is McDonalds. Next week we learn about coke.
7132015-06-23 15:30:03itzopqOh you think he went off with me? He abandoned you like your own parents.
7152015-06-24 11:03:24glitchcogFuck your fish!
7162015-06-24 11:08:03itzopqI don't want my last words to be 'I smell blueberries?' and then my brain explodes.
7182015-06-25 11:12:12glitchcogFuck you- you're Irish.
7192015-06-25 12:55:09glitchcogI just missed a giant fuck-off lighthouse somewhere.
7202015-06-25 14:34:34glitchcogI got another nut. Now I only have 18 of them.
7212015-06-25 15:17:00glitchcogThis game sort of makes sense, I'm so happy!
7252015-06-26 10:11:10itzopqI have no bears left...
7342015-06-28 09:21:41glitchcogI hate getting crits! I hate getting crits so much!
7352015-06-28 10:30:26swishfaceYou weren't lying when I got syphillis
7362015-06-28 11:07:15glitchcogIf the secret of mana is that I have all the mana, I'll take it.
7452015-06-29 12:20:59swishfaceWhy do I even have nuts?! They don't do anything for me!
7602015-06-30 13:29:59itzopqSuck it dragon! Hardest thing I did on stream? Boosh!
7612015-07-01 08:31:49glitchcogI'll have sex with myself. Fuck it. I don't need the other girls.
7622015-07-01 12:33:03glitchcogEveryone will want to bang me eventually.
7632015-07-01 15:10:57herrshaunDamn it, little girl!
7642015-07-01 15:29:14herrshaunHer portrait hurts your neck to look at? Why, because you have to dodge your own erection?
7652015-07-01 15:44:46swishfaceI'll treat you exactly how you want.
7662015-07-01 16:05:38glitchcogI say a fair amount of stupid things every night on stream.
7682015-07-02 08:31:22glitchcogSomebody needs some extra salt on their French fries, and Salty-G comes along and, "spritz, spritz, spritz."
7692015-07-02 08:32:58itzopqthat's an astounding amount of nonsense!
7702015-07-02 08:34:11glitchcogopq... I thought about it- He's Jesus.
7712015-07-02 08:41:14glitchcogI shouldn't have had unprotected sex with that waitress just because I thought end times were here.
7722015-07-02 15:26:20glitchcogI wish my mom were a whore.
7732015-07-02 15:26:37glitchcogEveryone knows jam makers have tremendous feet and tiny balls.
7792015-07-05 00:33:45itzopqEnd! End! Give me credits! I deserve this!
7802015-07-05 00:35:29xenogineI'm just here for the money...
7822015-07-06 13:42:13glitchcogIf there's one thing I think about dicks, it's how electric they are.
7842015-07-07 08:40:22itzopqOh, you put the sandpaper on the inside of the glove! That's a weird fetish?
7852015-07-07 09:29:11glitchcogMaybe I could be a three-speed-run kind of guy!
7862015-07-07 12:16:08glitchcogThat was really close to spawning inside my B-hole.
7872015-07-07 14:18:09itzopqDan and Jesse could never meet, it's like Highlander
7882015-07-07 15:52:28glitchcogWhat? Junpei is the best? I've never seen a trollier comment than that.
7892015-07-07 16:05:21swishfaceI don't think it's the little girl, I'm pretty sure she's hung
7902015-07-07 17:20:01glitchcogI don't say bollocks nearly enough.
7932015-07-08 13:59:08spectralistAll I did was get rid of her panties
7972015-07-09 15:04:29glitchcogMy vanity says that I should do this.
7992015-07-10 13:42:58itzopqI kind of just want to finish off these old people...
8042015-07-12 17:30:28swishfaceWhere the hell am I supposed to put all these heads into?
8062015-07-12 19:00:37kenpaiI didn't even notice that it was a lady with a snake butt. I thought it was a giant octopus this whole time. I thought that her butt was its head.
8112015-07-13 13:52:32glitchcogTalking about Pokemon is better than a random hatred of gays. I personally like Tentacruel.
8122015-07-13 14:39:35glitchcogI'm still not a genius? Fuck.
8352015-07-14 16:28:10kenpaiThe toilet told me to talk to the TV and I can't!
8382015-07-14 18:49:56itzopqall girls should wear two piece swimsuits... unless they're fat
8412015-07-15 17:10:44glitchcogReading is to me what Chrono Cross is to you.
8462015-07-16 17:45:45itzopqI felt what a real man feels like, my defense has increased! Yes!
8652015-07-20 18:12:46lightofhohenheimJunpei's best pickup line is "My name is Aki... i swear I'm not Junpei"
8672015-07-20 20:34:33lightofhohenheimMakes perfect logic.
8742015-07-21 13:31:38itzopqAnd now she's going to kill herself with her head-sword...?
8752015-07-21 13:56:38itzopqI'm already a genius, you son of a bitch!
8762015-07-21 16:40:32itzopqIt's okay dude... I expect nothing from you at all times.
8772015-07-21 17:44:52lightofhohenheimAlso, fuck Junpei
8782015-07-21 18:29:30itzopqHe has something on his wrist... its a livestrong bracelet and he's still wearing it. He lives it; he lives strong.
8832015-07-22 15:49:17glitchcogI'm pretty sure Ice Cube plays Ice Cube's dad... which is amazing.
8842015-07-22 18:15:33glitchcogVolleyball always hurt my skinny bitch-arms.
8852015-07-22 19:39:17glitchcogI feel like I should put all my eggs in the Marilyn Manson basket... like goth kids in the 90's.
8862015-07-22 20:18:42glitchcogI did this!
8872015-07-22 20:42:50glitchcogI like to just bathe my left hand. Sometimes it gets all filthy, in the way only a shower can clean.
8882015-07-22 20:45:58glitchcogSanta's kind of a butler.
8912015-07-23 14:14:35glitchcogI'm pretty sure they were hung.
8922015-07-23 16:14:26glitchcogI don't want to fight death. What if it kills me?
8932015-07-23 16:37:44glitchcogI like having control over my idiots.
8942015-07-23 16:50:41glitchcogFloat off into the moon, where the credits live.
8952015-07-23 17:10:25lightofhohenheimSuchMcNeil Armstrong should have told us that the moon was a giant canon of apathy.
8982015-07-23 17:58:31lightofhohenheimI have such wonderful and priceless friends... and Junpei.
9132015-07-26 13:03:16itzopqThere's exactly twelve people in this country. The odds of one of them being on the Internet? Not likely.
9142015-07-27 13:53:32glitchcogI sure do wish I had a Bubble Monkey on my head. That's all I know.
9382015-07-29 13:11:35glitchcogCome on, duck skip!
9392015-07-29 13:37:51glitchcogHey guys, I didn't bring a partner. Can I just borrow one of yours? I did bring keys though.
9402015-07-29 16:28:19danbrochillCat ears?? Now I can really play the game, it begins now!
9412015-07-29 18:01:24glitchcogI forgot what I was going to say... I enjoy nothing. That's what I was going to say.
9462015-07-31 14:02:23glitchcogCan't spell willing without Wil.
9472015-07-31 17:02:15lightofhohenheimI just like pretty people
9482015-07-31 17:50:26itzopqOh... you can't throw hammers?
9532015-08-03 13:10:24glitchcogWhy?! Why?! Why must I fuck up everything?
9542015-08-03 14:15:52glitchcogI've made mistakes. I've made horrible, horrible mistakes.
9552015-08-03 14:56:03glitchcogI like how they put the little hazelnutsies in there.
9562015-08-03 16:39:15glitchcogHe is going to obliterate my supple body.
9652015-08-04 13:33:16glitchcogBubbleMonkeyplease!
9662015-08-04 15:30:19glitchcogLook at this bridge orgy that I've made.
9682015-08-04 17:24:09glitchcogGive 'em the sex number, Hector!
9712015-08-06 16:55:58glitchcogCome back here friend. I just want to hurt you with my dagger.
9722015-08-06 19:20:16glitchcogGame please. Game please! GAME PLEASE!
9742015-08-07 20:28:00danbrochillby the power of greyskull, here's a horse
9752015-08-07 20:30:23kenpai974
9762015-08-09 12:13:14itzopqI'm never not impressed with myself. I hope you are, too, chat.
9812015-08-10 14:35:27glitchcogI remember when my papa would take me to the pier every summer. We'd open up our jar of coagulated monster bones.
10052015-08-11 13:35:21glitchcogGoddamn half finished esoteric broken mess.
10072015-08-11 15:52:58glitchcogAwesome! It doesn't matter that I slaughtered my entire party!
10082015-08-11 17:24:57kenpaiI've got to stop healing people. It's just getting them killed.
10122015-08-12 12:20:46glitchcogThat head's a dick.
10132015-08-12 14:17:35glitchcogMega Man just riffing on a goddamn keytar!
10202015-08-14 17:08:12kenpaiThe erection I will have when I look at it will blow my dick to pieces.
10222015-08-14 19:56:44glitchcogI don't even understand green swirls anymore.
10232015-08-14 20:29:00glitchcogI lost 50 bitrate when Netflix came to this country.
10272015-08-17 17:10:18glitchcogYou trollsonofabitch game!
10282015-08-17 17:11:02glitchcog!quote
10292015-08-18 14:09:52glitchcogWhy's everything have to be shit.
10302015-08-18 16:52:41glitchcogYeah, Link's not gonna show up for some isosceles triangle.
10312015-08-19 13:00:38glitchcogI found a shortcut that takes me through a giant path of pain!
10322015-08-19 16:13:16glitchcogAppropriate quotes are appropriate.
10432015-08-25 13:08:43glitchcogSwish's list of hated RPG elements: 1. Frequent random encounters, 2. Required grinding, 3. Secret of Mana
10442015-08-25 14:08:54glitchcog914
10482015-08-26 13:50:39glitchcogBM... what a suitable acronym for Bubble Monkey.
10492015-08-26 15:28:03danbrochillAlso, who is doctor World Health Organization?
10502015-08-26 15:38:59glitchcogThat's some hot Swish advice.
10542015-08-28 15:40:05glitchcogAll I have here are some words written in my own blood: Grab the carrot key.
10612015-08-31 13:42:31glitchcogOh thank you, sweet, merciful video game!
10662015-09-01 12:12:56glitchcogYou guilted me into eating my fat-boy trash-burgers.
10672015-09-01 12:32:30glitchcogI don't think that's ever been used as a compliment before, but I'll take it.
10692015-09-03 11:28:34glitchcogUm doc, when you fix up my face can you just add some extra scars so people know that I'm not alright?
10702015-09-03 15:48:36glitchcogI don't think you actually get punished for murdering.
10722015-09-04 16:12:31lightofhohenheimWell... I'm poor now.
10812015-09-07 15:11:31itzopqA bunch of Soviets listening to Maneater on repeat in the desert. What a glorious fever dream!
10822015-09-08 13:43:23glitchcogDon't trust any words that I am saying.
10922015-09-09 14:41:33glitchcogIt wasn't that bad though... except for having to ban all the Russians.
11052015-09-14 13:22:37spectralistThere's no way. I got credits. Fuck you game
11122015-09-18 15:29:13glitchcogIs he inside my body right now?
11552015-09-22 13:43:12glitchcogOh the dog's dead! That's why he's sleepy! I understand now.
11602015-09-23 17:44:48glitchcogSometimes they act like a McNeil. Then you gotta call a McNeil a McNeil.
11652015-09-24 15:15:30glitchcogS&M kind of reminds me of Secret of Mana. It's weirdly triggering.
11662015-09-25 11:50:31itzopqI can't do manual labour, I'm not built for it. I put all of my skill points in sass and wit.
11672015-09-25 13:06:23glitchcogYou fucking swanker.
11682015-09-25 15:31:59glitchcogI saved your town... give me your things. This is how heroes work.
11692015-09-25 17:40:15moocow4prezudentI personally HATE Death!
11712015-09-27 15:32:00glitchcogThere is literally nothing wrong with wearing a dog as a hat.
11732015-09-29 19:38:48swishfaceI only killed one guy, and I'm so so positive he sells drugs to children
11822015-10-02 18:01:54glitchcogThis entire game is a cockblock of momentum.
12262015-10-07 12:57:00glitchcogNo, I could have added it to my collection of robot underwear.
12472015-10-09 13:22:32glitchcogI wish this Pepsi were something harder, like, I don't know, arsenic.
12542015-10-12 16:35:46lltempleWhy aren't you inning me?
12852015-10-15 18:05:57kenpaiIt's like Pokemon except instead of enslavement it's murder.
13042015-10-19 15:55:33glitchcogIs Social Insurance for when you crap yourself in public?
13202015-10-22 15:21:47glitchcogI have lots of regrets about what I've done.
13212015-10-22 18:18:50itzopqIf you ask one of the girls on twitch... so 250 people a day, they'd probably go out with you, you handsome motherfucker.
13242015-10-23 13:04:42glitchcogThere's a reason my channel's called Swishbutt.
13252015-10-23 15:17:27glitchcogI've done nothing punchworthy!
13262015-10-23 19:09:26glitchcogI will spit on you so much if you keep arguing with me.
13292015-10-26 16:44:16kenpaiYou win game. You've out-dumbed me.
13372015-10-29 19:19:16glitchcogFine, take your 3000 moneys... you butts.
13772015-11-10 13:43:01kenpaiBest says "Best". It's gotta be the best option.
13782015-11-10 17:30:28glitchcogThere was almost double sex number on the screen. Now that would have been a victory.
13872015-11-11 14:11:00itzopqI'm a service, so... fuck me if I'm providing something nobody wants.
13902015-11-12 13:53:34swishfaceIts like they got god damn intimate with a Nintendo Sound Card
14042015-11-16 14:35:44swishfaceTwo of those are actual political moves and the 3rd one is anime
14322015-11-18 14:54:44swishfacehow the hell did he just flash me?
14632015-11-23 17:47:32glitchcogYou are a very bad parent, do you know that ma'am? Bringing your child here to get stabbed by my sword.
14652015-11-24 13:54:32kenpaiWhen I go to formal occasions I have to go with my full name, Swishalish.
14662015-11-24 16:17:10glitchcogYeah, no. We're all going to stab you. We're going to take turns. It'll be a big old stab train.
15392015-12-02 18:50:22swishfaceIt just gets too hot to feed the horses later
15612015-12-08 13:49:06ertai_87Who am I charming the pants off now?
15622015-12-08 15:50:46glitchcogThis is really stupid, by the way.
15632015-12-08 16:19:30glitchcogI've had to stab a lot of things in a lot of different ways.
16172015-12-21 12:12:56swishfaceEventually, it'll be like a solid 12
16182015-12-21 12:16:05holdenianI just need to not move. I think I found the sweet spot.
16462015-12-26 15:44:03ertai_87Farming takes longer than suicide
16472015-12-26 16:06:55holdenianReally... I didn't get the big one off?
16492015-12-26 18:00:33glitchcogAll art's dumb.
16542015-12-28 16:48:00kenpaiI'm NOT an idiot I'm SMART!
16642016-01-04 13:23:14ertai_87I tried for so many hours to beat that terrible bitch
16652016-01-05 17:24:36spectralistShe has a confusing body.
16792016-01-11 10:39:26ertai_87He's going to try to steal my crack!
16852016-01-13 17:16:36glitchcogIt's like they're trying to punish me... for being fabulous.
16872016-01-13 17:38:02glitchcogThis is the best use of all of our time.
17192016-01-22 18:05:25swishfaceSometimes I don't even bother, it just craps out
17482016-01-25 15:15:47glitchcogYeah, disco room!
17492016-01-25 15:21:22glitchcogEveryone knows dildos can only move diagonally.
17642016-01-27 16:46:22glitchcogHope doesn't spring eternal; hope is garbage and butts.
17652016-01-27 18:05:19glitchcogI'll be right back, but it's going to be even more of a shitshow than this was.
17672016-01-27 23:07:50glitchcogAm I going to be responsible for me not dying today? Take it out of my hands. I don't want it.
17922016-02-01 16:14:37glitchcogDon't die for once in your life.
18072016-02-04 06:16:48glitchcogA great deal of things could be robot toilets.
18282016-02-08 12:58:50kenpaiThere's no way I'll get bit in the ass for doing this. This is the best idea I've ever had.
18552016-02-11 14:46:57spectralistEverything just keeps getting worse
18562016-02-11 15:35:41glitchcogI think the correct amount. The game designers underthought it.
18602016-02-12 14:29:03sophieSweet, I paid 3,000 for a boss fight! And he's got a Hitler helmet, my only weakness. I can't Scrooge McDuck him now
19022016-02-19 16:16:43derapfelstrudelTheir life expectancy is really low. Especially when I am in command!
19052016-02-19 17:18:59spectralistTomorrow I have to fight a dude
19172016-02-21 17:50:35sophieYou know game, when I was talking about how I couldn't save, I didn't mean corrupt my save. God damn it.
19182016-02-21 18:03:40glitchcog...so my lipstick-covered snake can do work.
19192016-02-21 18:12:11glitchcogNever stop listening to the beautiful people.
19402016-02-23 06:52:21sophieThinking is a misplay every time
19712016-03-01 15:37:45kenpaiI knew it seconds before I was meant to. Good work, me.
19722016-03-01 15:53:31glitchcogWe're going to go on a wild ride. It's going to be full of cheese and wonderment.
19732016-03-02 13:35:21sophieAnytime I hear about plowing, I think of Canada
19812016-03-03 15:49:24glitchcogAll of these are butts.
19872016-03-04 14:52:32sophieI need to count turns? May as well be RNG
20092016-03-07 18:39:31sophieLoatheb is better than Boom.
20262016-03-11 13:42:32sophieThe whole thing of pringles is why the hell did I go in this shaft?
20272016-03-11 14:19:18sophieFuck me, Rat~~
20282016-03-11 14:58:08sophieYou're some kind of chef-wizard, Temple
20372016-03-14 13:07:49thuglashWhy does the ultimate zombie need to be well hung?
20382016-03-14 14:38:21muslanteThis apparently is not my hole. Where's my hole?
20392016-03-14 15:48:55glitchcogGod I'm good!... sometimes.
20442016-03-15 15:37:23glitchcogI would like my succubus to not suck.
20692016-03-20 14:11:41kenpaiI meant to do that and that was perfectly planned.
20822016-03-23 14:35:09glitchcogOh, you fuck! You tricksty hobbit.
21032016-03-30 13:31:55sophieWhy is that dog playing Hotline Miami
21042016-03-30 17:16:25sophieI'm such a garbage asshole
21052016-03-30 17:59:15spectralistBlame the robots in Japan
21092016-03-31 12:58:38sophieUh, excuse me, are you saying Adventure Time sucks?
21102016-03-31 13:18:27glitchcogAt least I remembered how to "Japanese" these whales.
21112016-04-01 13:37:31kenpaiYou do just have to randomly try and suck things. Just like real life.
21272016-04-03 15:01:11sophieWhy can i not count to 10
21412016-04-04 14:24:24sophieSymmetry is hard to get in the human body. Or the catgirl body, for that matter.
21522016-04-04 23:36:01sophieFuck me, that thing is huge~~
21532016-04-05 18:28:40sophieJust play Uno on xbox live. You can play with your cousin AND you can see dude's penises. It's the best of both worlds
21572016-04-06 15:33:10glitchcogI do like stupid anime cutscenes though. They're real good.
21662016-04-07 13:32:26spectralistAnd I can farm as well! Ah yes
22032016-04-14 10:12:44sophieIf I'm on a timer because of the crusher, hoo boy are those people dead. And so I am. We can all die together in this garbage disposal.
22042016-04-14 11:58:32sophieHurry me to a medic! Fuck that guy!
22052016-04-14 14:58:01sophieI wish we had shark teeth.
22062016-04-14 15:27:01glitchcogYay! I didn't get fucked!
22072016-04-14 15:57:09sophieIt's like I'm doing a boss rush against a bunch of bosses I've never versed
22082016-04-14 17:55:13glitchcogAh, ah ah- CHOOOOH GOD WHY?
22272016-04-19 16:36:37kenpaiIf Andy were my girlfriend, I'd have good internet.
22332016-04-20 14:16:12sophieGod I fucked up bad
22422016-04-22 00:16:05itzopqI die to sweet fuck all.
22512016-04-24 15:34:38sophieIt's just a bear. It's not even a russian bear on a unicycle.
22582016-04-26 13:10:16glitchcogPuzzlemaster Swish strikes again! Aw man, I'm so clever.
22642016-04-27 15:10:01holdenianIs the tentacle actually good enough?
22762016-04-28 14:16:27heyhowsitgoin99Ok I just need to get this one, none of the others matter. Also this one.
22822016-05-01 13:53:56holdenianWell Holden, maybe you shouldn't wear shorts that high.
22902016-05-03 14:21:53glitchcogLiteral moustache rides, coming up.
22922016-05-04 14:20:04thuglashGet wrecked, mice!
22932016-05-04 14:42:24glitchcogI am inconsistent as a motherfucker.
22942016-05-04 14:55:31glitchcogGood point... like the top of a Hitler helmet.
22952016-05-04 15:34:37kenpaiIt's like morning, but it's okay to drink and not get called that you "have a problem".
22982016-05-05 16:06:02stevetheseregiosThank you video gam-God dammit.
22992016-05-05 17:31:02holdenianYou literally watched my day.
23302016-05-12 11:56:47kenpaiThis floor is meant to be sticky
23322016-05-13 14:44:27glitchcogA natural defense against a boomerang is a gun.
23332016-05-13 14:49:38heyhowsitgoin99"Because i'd rather be greedy. Because I've got this. *dies horribly to a slime* Shoot I dont have this."
23342016-05-13 16:30:44glitchcogAll I know is cheese.
23352016-05-13 17:08:26glitchcogWho wants to be clutch? Everybody's clutch.
23362016-05-13 17:10:22glitchcogMy heart has hardened to this concept, that anything is good, wholesome, or nice. All that is left is Zelda II.
23372016-05-13 18:11:58caittusWhy is everyone's weapon bigger than mine?
23602016-05-19 11:54:43holdenianYou can't just call something Super Chinese.
23632016-05-20 12:55:10glitchcog...as my skin-colored third leg pierces everybody's brain.
23662016-05-20 23:31:33glitchcogWhat more fugly bullshit do I have to do?
23702016-05-21 17:30:10glitchcogHey Zelda. Still doin' okay? Be back in a bit.
23722016-05-22 02:17:41glitchcogYou have bad taste in icecream, cause mint and coffee are both bad flavors. One of them is toothpaste, and the other is... coffee.
23752016-05-23 11:33:09spectralistIt was hard and annoying and still is
23852016-05-23 17:22:12kenpaiJust because I was immune to you trying to get me sick doesn't mean I gave you mono.
23972016-05-25 12:52:48glitchcogGod that sucks. So does that. Everything. Everything's awful.
23982016-05-25 14:14:59heyhowsitgoin99I'm pretty sure if you make the Bride self-conscious on her wedding day, she is legally allowed to cut off your foot and wear it around her neck like a Predator trophy
23992016-05-25 14:40:57spectralistI want a strong language, one that's typed so strongly it breaks the keyboard.
24032016-05-27 13:58:31glitchcogI like how dumb it is. It's like my favorite part.
24042016-05-27 14:10:28caittusI killed everyone. I'm a monster. Oh god. Oh me.
24052016-05-27 17:30:24derapfelstrudelButter Building is the place Beccy wants to live in if she is given the choice.
24062016-05-27 17:31:43myrcuryfrogI just found the epilepsy button.
24132016-05-30 14:59:59sophieThat makes me feel better, at least I'm not playing Secret of Mana
24142016-05-30 15:35:05caittusCars are just DotA but you don't get hats at the end.
24442016-06-01 12:59:33kenpaiBabies scream when they come out of vaginas.
24452016-06-02 11:48:26sophieThat's a jpeg. We just landed on a jpeg
25112016-06-08 17:21:30heyhowsitgoin99Daniel said I was dope. You all heard it. Add it the court record.
25132016-06-09 17:19:47caittusYou do go down sometimes, but that's deep lore.
25292016-06-13 15:06:10caittusOh, never mind, you don't even die, your soul shatters, it's fine.
25322016-06-14 18:52:23spectralistWell at least we're gunna make blowfish go extinct, so there's that
25352016-06-15 14:32:15kenpaiNo, no! Not the shoe demons!
25362016-06-15 14:32:45derapfelstrudelI enjoy those words that came out of my mouth
25632016-06-23 12:37:53kenpaiI shouldn't have to do a science equation for my food to turn out okay.
25652016-06-23 13:10:31caittusMaybe he's all out of butt stuff.
26102016-07-11 15:21:12caittusDon't choke, don't choke... Agh damn it I choked!
26112016-07-11 15:52:38glitchcogI remembered. I remembered, once. I'm the best. The best at video games.
26142016-07-12 17:14:28andyperfectAs a friend, I'm telling you to choke your wife
26192016-07-14 12:49:33glitchcogI'm doing the right things! Stop punishing me!
26382016-07-23 15:06:55caittusI wish I didn't know me so well.
26402016-07-26 20:21:05caittusYou only inherited the shit. I was born in it.
26502016-07-28 11:07:52caittusI found a glitch! Wait, just an invisible platform.
26512016-07-28 12:08:55caittusMaybe if I shoot the owl he'll be my friend.
26532016-07-30 16:07:50derapfelstrudelI assume that's why the Nazis lost the war. Half their scientists were just researching kinkier ways to shit on each other!
26542016-07-30 18:53:50caittusI screwed up, I screwed up, I didn't screw up, I'm the best! ...I screwed up.
26552016-07-31 13:33:50caittusI wish you could steal from corpses.
26562016-07-31 16:20:20caittusAll I need to do is play the rest of the fight perfectly in a way I've never done it before yeah I didn't do it.
26572016-08-01 14:09:23caittusI'm the Disneyland of streams, except with less foreign slaves working for me.
26582016-08-01 14:09:24kenpaiI'm the Disneyland of streams except with less foreign slaves working for me.
26622016-08-02 15:37:17caittusOkay... I mean, wait, what?
26652016-08-03 18:52:54andyperfectUni was one of the most depressing things I've ever done. And I've played Secret of Mana for two viewers.
26732016-08-04 18:16:16glitchcogI'm getting mad at a fucking non-Euclidean chicken.
26782016-08-07 12:16:03caittusI've never loved a dead thing more.
26792016-08-07 13:34:02caittusIt's lame to punch things!
26802016-08-07 16:51:51caittusThis is the first time I whole-heartedly agree with Raptor. What a beautiful day it is.
26812016-08-07 18:06:48caittusIt's like comparing arsenic to mustard gas. Just because one's better doesn't mean it's okay.
26852016-08-08 12:22:13caittusI'm not pro, unless that's short for prostitute, because I'm getting fucked right now.
26862016-08-08 14:40:24glitchcogHeads up, trolls are on Twitch. I modded one of them WITHOUT an idiot orange name.
26872016-08-08 15:15:57glitchcogThat's the main reason I'm dying- my complete lack of knowledge of fucking how.
26922016-08-09 12:18:19caittusWe were meant to be soulmates, Billy, you ass!
26952016-08-10 16:40:08aurilliuxcanonical cannon
26962016-08-10 16:52:11loren1350That seems unnecessarily tight.
26972016-08-10 18:43:39andyperfectI know how Booleans work, Andy. If, then- but, if... Boolean.
26992016-08-11 18:24:35caittusThe AI's too smart! Wait, never mind.
27182016-08-14 12:05:43caittusI'm pretty sure it won't work, but just in case I'm going to try licking it.
27192016-08-14 14:50:52kenpaiI'm the streamer. I'm never wrong.
27202016-08-14 14:56:36kenpaiYep, Tom and Jerry Seinfeld. Everyone's favorite show. The Hanna-Barbera classic.
27232016-08-14 15:47:55caittusI don't swear because of the game, I swear because that's who I am as a human being.
27242016-08-14 17:18:01caittusWhy would you let me tell you to do that, Vi? You should have some self-confidence and make your own decisions!
27252016-08-14 18:23:07kenpaiI got a sick guitar that I'm gonna shove in that vagina down there.
27352016-08-15 12:24:07caittusI'll learn how to do that later, it's Future Swish's problem.
27362016-08-15 12:24:27derapfelstrudelSometimes lust dicks you. LewdYuka
27372016-08-15 12:57:42caittusNo! I was hitless! Like an American Idol winner!
27402016-08-15 18:47:56caittusWhen everything's decent, everything's shit.
27522016-08-16 11:52:38caittusWoo! I came third! I'm the best!
27532016-08-16 12:36:27caittusWho's the smartest idiot now, Pokemon? It's me!
28082016-08-21 12:19:36heyhowsitgoin99Oh right it's a Ghost move and I'm an idiot.
28092016-08-22 13:50:16caittusWait, I didn't get punished? Fuck me, I punished myself.
28112016-08-22 17:19:18keyboredcowboyThat's dumb in a way I can get behind.
28182016-08-23 15:31:58ertai_87I can ride Beccy
28322016-08-24 12:28:08thuglashBooks don't hurt you?!
28362016-08-25 15:00:05glitchcogA Shakespeare play's worth of monkeys.
28392016-08-28 12:00:56caittusPlease just let me be able to count to 8!
28402016-08-28 12:08:48caittusI've never been so upset to actually hurt a boss in my life.
28412016-08-28 17:21:55caittusDamn it! Why is Andy so unattractive?
28432016-08-29 14:05:54heyhowsitgoin99Coraline you beautiful bitch
28442016-08-29 14:28:46derapfelstrudelAll my balls will wear it out!
28472016-08-29 16:49:48caittusI'm not better than nothing, Andy.
28702016-08-31 18:55:36caittusPlease stop, please stop, oh god there's more!
28732016-09-01 12:51:08caittusWings of Vi is going really good, I'm up to NO GODDAMNIT!
28792016-09-02 12:22:12caittusMy enrage rate has increased so much.
28802016-09-02 12:42:21heyhowsitgoin99I'm the best dier ever.
29022016-09-10 16:29:20caittusMaybe the path I need is inside this Elixir.
29062016-09-12 12:47:59spectralistMegaman X6 was its own penance
29072016-09-12 13:39:38derapfelstrudelI wish there were more dudes! OhMyDood
29152016-09-13 13:19:36caittusI don't hate emotion, I'm just going to make fun of it.
29182016-09-14 12:09:36heyhowsitgoin99Hey it worked (after throwing a Masterball, with a smug look on his face)
29192016-09-14 14:37:06kenpaiEveryone knows Loki, the trickster god of yelling.
29312016-09-19 14:15:08spectralistFuck this puzzle... fuck this terrible puzzle
29322016-09-19 17:32:05glitchcogYou're pointing a gun at a man who doesn't even know what metal is.
29332016-09-19 17:54:15caittusI have to be a better game maker than a game player.
29352016-09-19 19:41:08caittusIf I'm not dead, I'm in pretty good shape.
29382016-09-20 11:59:25caittusI figured out the puzzle, but I'm still an idiot.
29392016-09-20 12:16:43glitchcogLook at me! Look. At. Me! Fuckin' puzzle masterin'!
29402016-09-20 12:40:22glitchcogI created more people than I killed.
29452016-09-21 13:48:08glitchcogFuck this place. Let them die. Let the monkeys eat their souls.
29462016-09-21 14:15:07caittusI've played Pokemon, I know how ice puzzles work!
29692016-09-26 14:28:31derapfelstrudelThis is why Zelda has no jump button!
29782016-09-29 13:52:47caittusI've come this far, might as well kill them all.
29792016-09-29 14:24:57glitchcogNoooo! I accomplished nothing!
29822016-09-30 15:22:21caittusIs this a chick or a dude? ...Still can't tell.
29832016-09-30 16:41:02ertai_87"If it's folklore, it's still made up! It's just foreign made up!"
29842016-09-30 16:41:59ertai_87If it's folklore, it's still made up! It's just foreign made up!
30072016-10-03 14:49:17caittusWait, I'm the fire. That's me.
30082016-10-03 15:37:28glitchcogLet's go! Get it all the way inside my body.
30122016-10-04 13:57:25spectralistCongrats you did it. You found the top ten leaderboard, you idiots.
30142016-10-05 21:32:20kenpaiThe amount of will you have for me to get dicked in this game is insurmountable.
30162016-10-07 12:52:32kerokero_kolaOh you grabby handed bastard!
30172016-10-07 12:53:21sophie"Just don't add 'parenthesis' (or quotation marks) on them. Ever."
30182016-10-07 14:39:41caittusI always want to be someone's favorite, regardless of the position they're in.
30232016-10-10 12:53:17kenpaiDickhead's wearing his Union Jack t-shirt again today. Guess he got murdered.
30242016-10-10 13:07:57derapfelstrudelWell there is one thing I know about drugs. You have to frankenstein them all to life.
30302016-10-11 13:18:25caittusWhat the fuck do you make a cardboard box out of anyway?
30312016-10-11 14:29:25caittusI got it, and I'm the one who matters. Never forget that.
30322016-10-11 15:40:38caittusWe're about positivity and good times in this stream, Sophie. Well, those two things and abject failure.
30362016-10-11 19:53:44sophieI don't understand the anatomy of her ass
30582016-10-17 16:37:34caittusPink Badger? That has to be a sex move.
30712016-10-21 11:45:40caittusI'm okay with horrible things happening to me, as long as they happen to other people as well.
30722016-10-21 13:55:01spectralistHow do you not like pie‽
30802016-10-23 12:36:31caittusOff the bridge is more muddy! That's where the dirt lives!
30812016-10-23 14:01:29caittusThe victim getting murdered is a bad motive for murdering the victim.
30862016-10-24 14:56:35caittusGod, why am I such a piece of shit? I might as well be home-schooled.
30872016-10-24 15:23:19caittusIf you're into sucking, I've got the most erotic stream on Twitch for you.
30892016-10-24 17:54:43caittusNobody cares, Thuglash, nobody cares.
30932016-10-25 14:07:40caittusMeatspace? Is that like some kind of gay Myspace?
30942016-10-26 13:49:59kenpaiAccording to this, everything you said is fucking stupid.
31072016-10-28 12:32:52swishfaceShe has no loved ones, no loved things... can we go desecrate her corpse or something?
31162016-10-30 13:41:56caittusLet's light this mouse on fire with electricity.
31172016-10-30 16:52:33skycarsonlets go back to the game when it was fun
31182016-10-30 16:54:47skycarsonLet's go back to the game, when it was fun
31292016-11-02 14:25:27holdenian"You made her drop her sweet potato."
31302016-11-02 14:30:01pbrgamer"I need to be in that potato. Or Whatever that is."
31312016-11-02 17:15:23caittusLaughing at my misery is what this stream is based on.
31432016-11-03 15:27:09sophieI go minutes without fucking it up, Sophie. I got him down to 8% once, I don't know if you were here for that, it was a very exciting time before I fucked it up.
31442016-11-03 18:27:06sophieOh, you're a pegasus? Oh god, I'm so sorry.
31492016-11-04 12:21:48kerokero_kolaFuck that. Everything dies.
31502016-11-04 13:19:33swishfaceThe yellow guy is an artist? Well too bad, now he's a cowboy!
31512016-11-04 13:25:18sophieIt doesn't matter if I don't miss, so don't miss
31522016-11-04 14:08:43sophieShe's not even cute. Fucking lame
31532016-11-04 14:11:55caittusOh, she's not pretty either. Well, at least I don't care if they die or not.
31642016-11-07 13:45:52caittusAt least if your kid died you could go and get the shirt off his corpse or something.
31702016-11-08 15:48:01caittusI actually assume Solgryn is skinny because he's such a mean person.
31902016-11-14 17:53:56derapfelstrudelI am past Wings of Vi being hard. SwishJoy
32072016-11-18 10:36:22caittusI can't believe fighter pilot noises didn't help you kill them off.
32702016-11-22 20:57:26caittusThank you cake for failing so many runs.
32772016-11-24 14:26:51derapfelstrudelWe are still in our pyjamas but we can still murder some dudes.
32832016-11-28 01:36:07caittusOkay, again, but this time care.
32842016-11-28 02:20:46caittusIt looked like the other logs to me. I guess I'm a log bigot.
32852016-11-28 02:22:25caittus<Beccy> They're so cute, I must murder them! Speaking of which, where's my cat?
33002016-11-30 15:21:32caittusI hope Past Swish surprises me with how bad he was.
33072016-12-01 21:39:16spectralistWhat a great day for humanity. The sheep have pants!
33092016-12-02 13:35:04glitchcogLet's get this shitshow started!
33102016-12-02 13:35:19glitchcogAh! Double goats. Nuhhh. Uhhhh.
33112016-12-02 13:35:36glitchcogHave I seen the Bee Movie? I have. Seinfeld's best work.
33292016-12-04 04:33:54sophieWooo! Yeah! Speedrunnin'
33442016-12-12 15:54:51caittusPeople can be ugly, I just don't want to have sex with them.
33482016-12-13 16:59:34caittusNo, don't point things at my face! That hurts my face!
33512016-12-14 16:50:50kerokero_kolaPlease Santa, I don't have time to fix this. Just give me presents!
33542016-12-15 10:58:37caittusFuck off, you wizard bastards!
33632016-12-19 10:45:22caittusThat's what I get for wanting to be happy.
33642016-12-19 16:04:00thuglashI don't know if he just likes the taste of mice.
33652016-12-19 16:11:57thuglashI'm helping you, don't bite me.
33922016-12-26 14:35:33osellecoolIt's like a little girl had sex with a blender and this is their offspring.
33952016-12-26 18:56:01caittusI'm simultaneously getting better AND worse at every jump.
33962016-12-27 18:03:39kerokero_kolaI missed half the things in that area because the whole place was a giant nose.
33972016-12-27 19:00:39kerokero_kolaIs this what Fanart is reduced to? When you take away the porn you're left with slightly dudier versions of chicks?
33992016-12-28 15:38:11caittusI took your power and threw it directly into a spike, I hope you feel good.
34072016-12-29 15:24:15glitchcogMonkey Cave is fine. You just give the monkeys the things.
34082016-12-29 16:00:06caittusI've always wanted to give Lucy the ol' King Banana.
34092016-12-29 16:43:41glitchcogI did not think that would be a phrase I'd use to talk about my face at any point in my life.
34182016-12-31 14:59:25kerokero_kolaWell that's useless to me. Until I catch my Litwick! Eh? ... Oh! A Litwick! RemCutie
34192016-12-31 16:33:14caittusI'm all for people using fireworks, because that's just Darwinism at some point.
34232017-01-01 17:04:28derapfelstrudelNo, you are about to show me your ass, and I would like to see its crushing strength.
34372017-01-05 18:34:16glitchcogI fight splooge with splooge.
34382017-01-05 18:42:47glitchcogI live for Andy's validation.
34422017-01-06 14:25:19glitchcogI try not to think about the mindset of a tow man.
34432017-01-06 15:22:16glitchcogNyuh, a filthy man is here. Leave! You'll get us all pregnant.
34622017-01-16 07:13:55swishfaceYou've gotta find the hammer in order to smash the window, to have sex with the pretty lady.
34632017-01-16 07:16:08sophieI wonder if that's just gone forever
34762017-01-18 14:57:54spectralistI'm going to have to dance aren't I?
34912017-01-23 04:08:23swishfaceI can make the game tone 'afternoon'!
34972017-01-24 01:48:56glitchcogStealth mission successful. Had to Tom Cruise my way through the back door.
34982017-01-24 01:57:52caittusGoddamnit, past me.
35082017-01-26 13:28:03caittusI had to go to my friend's house to find a flag because I'm not a racist.
35102017-01-27 19:06:12aurilliux"(in regards to VEGEMITE) It's literally shit-colored salt."
35112017-01-27 19:07:23caittusI literally just shivered at the thought of putting this in my mouth.
35122017-01-27 19:09:54caittusI'm bad at masticating.
35192017-02-01 15:52:50glitchcogGlitch, you've never been smarter than right in this moment and right now.
35312017-02-06 20:11:13sophieI'd like to point out that everyone does better than they should. I didn't turn on the pleb mode!
35322017-02-06 20:23:56aurilliux"(in regards to Hiroshima) They don't even let you play Pokémon Go in there anymore."
35362017-02-07 12:52:40caittusPoverty means 'Get out!'
35382017-02-07 18:23:57caittusI ate his feet for sustenance! I ate his hands for fun.
35412017-02-08 14:55:05derapfelstrudelI could speedrun the shit out of these games... blind!
35482017-02-11 07:45:52sophieHey I made progress in the last four hours! I blew up a wall
35522017-02-14 15:37:52kerokero_kolaThat is the wrong monitor.
35642017-02-19 18:32:00caittusI would like to point out that she clearly didn't use the bathroom because she is still full of shit.
35902017-02-22 14:19:11sophieDid you eat your brothers?
35912017-02-22 15:52:17caittusRemembering how doors work? Basically impossible.
35942017-02-23 16:26:00caittusI've never been more concerned about Andy's balls in my life.
35952017-02-23 21:01:44glitchcogThat is an unfortunate penis.
36182017-03-06 17:51:46derapfelstrudelWalls are the hardest puzzle.
36312017-03-19 02:51:37heyhowsitgoin99Oh my god, it does have relevance. I'm so happy.
36322017-03-20 14:38:35derapfelstrudelBeccy's fascination with hentai knows no bounds. VoHiYo
36332017-03-20 16:39:29glitchcogYou are literally the Sinbad of Utah.
36342017-03-20 17:30:41glitchcogIt occasionally makes me feel bad how often I say the words, "I'm going to go murder this disabled guy."
36392017-03-25 10:12:42caittusI don't know if anyone was in love with me.
36402017-03-25 11:02:19caittusI'm not blind! I'm just stupid and have a bad memory, those are two different things.
36412017-03-25 12:18:20caittusI never know where to stick my love key.
36422017-03-25 18:10:04derapfelstrudelI always want to be crying! BibleThump
36612017-03-27 15:41:51glitchcogWhy would you stop here?! This is bat country, you stupid bitch!
36622017-03-27 15:49:17caittusIt's probably illegal to touch a kid by his handle.
36652017-03-28 16:53:18glitchcogI was right to quit on the last level.
36662017-03-29 14:39:16glitchcogApparently I murdered all the cats.
36752017-04-03 05:05:21glitchcogYou're gonna get decapitated like it's a 6 Flags or a country carnival!
36762017-04-03 05:20:15glitchcogThe opposite of the way I was trying to go is the correct one.
36812017-04-06 08:18:07caittusMaybe if I belittle him he'll like me.
36912017-04-12 07:45:28caittusI don't even need charm.
36932017-04-16 07:28:35skeletaljester"I gotta get it up, fuck everything."
36972017-04-17 16:05:19caittusA raccoon with giant nuts would be perfect on my desk.
37332017-05-09 00:49:26glitchcogOh fuck it, I'm rich.
37352017-05-09 06:22:50glitchcogI couldn't speed run it any less.
37502017-05-16 06:39:32kerokero_kolaWas that so hard-FUCKING TAINT!
37842017-05-31 04:06:03glitchcogYou are correct; I am an idiot.
37862017-06-01 03:40:15sophieOh it's blue now, it must be a boss
37872017-06-01 04:07:27glitchcogWe're more than the weapons we use. That's really the message of my stream.
37882017-06-01 04:07:42glitchcogJust a means to a rapey and pillagey end.
37902017-06-04 03:06:47sophieJust because something is dumb and pointless doesn't mean it's bad
37962017-06-08 08:12:44heyhowsitgoin99Oh my brain just lapsed into something special.
37982017-06-09 08:32:58kerokero_kolaWhen am I gonna play Cheetamen? When I 100% Boshi.
37992017-06-09 08:33:40kerokero_kolaWhen am I gonna play Cheetamen? When I 100% Boshy.
38002017-06-09 09:40:43sophieThere's a duck button!?
38042017-06-12 06:33:30sophieI know, Beccy saying stuff doesn't matter
38052017-06-12 07:16:09sophieAll it takes is two people and a video camera to beat a children's fucking puzzle
38102017-06-17 12:32:32caittusI just want to hump some snakes. Is that so much to ask?
38182017-06-26 14:54:24aurilliux"This is a five step process of kicking me in the dick."
38222017-06-29 04:41:03glitchcogAw man, it's good to be excellent at video games.
38252017-07-01 11:43:36derapfelstrudelGive taints some love!
38262017-07-01 14:56:56sophieI did fight a lizard that one time
38332017-07-12 18:31:34glitchcogMaybe I'm meant to lose! I don't think I'm that lucky.
38342017-07-12 18:56:46glitchcogNever mind, I'm not mad at the world anymore.
38352017-07-12 19:14:40glitchcogThis is the true ending of the Never Ending Story. This is the end of the book. This is the end of the story.
38362017-07-12 19:19:52glitchcogI just talked to my vagina for a while.
38492017-07-19 11:09:47caittusI can't make his underpants swing a sword at me.
38552017-07-19 23:44:59glitchcogI take back every word that I said.
38562017-07-23 11:28:48derapfelstrudelBeing poor is such a blessing.
38592017-07-25 12:31:55glitchcogNo part of why I die is good.
38682017-08-03 17:16:03glitchcogA maid is different than a housewife. I mean, we do the exact same jobs. But I do it with love?
38702017-08-04 04:12:00glitchcogAll these are good ideas, and it is the game's fault that they didn't work.
38722017-08-05 09:26:54sophieBeccy: You are so bad. Swish: What do you want me to do? Beccy: Be good. Swish: It's motion controls!
38742017-08-07 10:18:31caittusDon't run away when I'm trying to unsheathe my sword at you! Oh wait, I thought you were your brother.
38752017-08-07 13:39:55glitchcogYou're all about that polygon life. I hate myself.
38762017-08-07 13:53:49glitchcogYou can tell this is not Sonic because I enjoy this game and it is good.
38792017-08-10 00:12:49glitchcogOh shit, Kamehamehas work in sepia land, but nothing else.
38802017-08-10 14:52:30glitchcogIf it wasn't for how terrible you did, you would have done excellent!
38872017-08-14 23:46:33caittusTest of Courage? Time to do dumb things in this room.
38882017-08-14 23:50:24sophieCait why have you tricked me into ruining things?
38892017-08-15 13:29:44caittusWhat do you mean infinite water would be useless? I bet I could solve at least two puzzles with that!
38952017-08-19 10:00:55caittusI really hope this works, because I love cheating.
38962017-08-19 10:34:06caittusSo.... fire... bad?
38972017-08-19 11:02:06caittus"You haven't met children, have you? If they don't get an iPad AND a PS4 game or whatever at Christmas, they're upset." - Beccy
38982017-08-19 12:13:20sophieAm I meant to murder the unicorn?
39022017-08-23 17:49:56caittus"I like how that guy just stroked his wood." - Beccy
39042017-08-24 04:04:37glitchcogThe atrophy's kickin' in.
39082017-08-27 10:57:31derapfelstrudelEven if I get a victory I still lose! SwishJoy
39092017-08-27 13:19:32caittusDon't let me down, Sonic!
39112017-08-30 14:49:59caittusI was right. If you piece all my words together and ignore some of them and piece other words that come later, I was pretty much right.
39122017-08-30 19:21:41caittusYeah, but here's the thing. I don't care about the quality of my life.
39182017-09-09 14:37:07caittusI hate you, puffy white clouds.
39202017-09-10 11:18:03caittusI've made very, very bad choices all around, everybody.
39292017-09-14 11:37:18caittusWhat?! Why is my reward to make this place crapper?
39312017-09-15 13:00:02glitchcogI love being a bookie!
39322017-09-16 01:45:40swishfaceIt's like Britney Spears with a snake, but the snake doesn't even want to be there.
39332017-09-16 01:56:25picardsfluteI just can't get enough of icy dicks.
39352017-09-17 06:46:31heyhowsitgoin997.5% done and only 39 minutes in, we got this. Definitely wont get stuck.
39372017-09-19 14:27:27sophiePants mean nothing!
39422017-09-24 12:04:19caittusNever mind, I was just stupid.
39432017-09-24 13:26:43derapfelstrudelI am litterally just murdering enemies that isn't helping my goal at all!
39462017-09-25 10:53:11derapfelstrudelShoot the civilians not me! Yeeess nice bloodshields!
39502017-09-26 12:44:54glitchcogThat quote is nonsense. I have no idea what the fuck it's even talking about.
39532017-09-27 23:58:45swishfaceI am literally just murdering enemies, that isn't helping my goal at all.
39542017-09-28 00:01:57swishfaceI need to be in that potato... or whatever that thing is.
39562017-09-29 13:26:17aurilliux"They're all so happy to be furious! Welcome to my life."
39572017-09-29 13:58:53glitchcogYou can tell they're aged, they're just ageless.
39582017-09-29 14:50:10glitchcogAw, she's dancing with herself. Like Billy Idol.
39592017-09-29 15:08:54glitchcogI'd really like to use my things on him.
39602017-09-30 19:22:48caittusI am so excited right now that I can't tilt the webcan down slightly or I'd be banned.
39612017-09-30 20:23:45spectralistGimme that hot P!
39622017-09-30 20:23:51derapfelstrudelGive me that hot P.
39652017-10-04 13:56:30sophieBeccy asked for a flower, I gave her my dead sister
39702017-10-09 04:40:42aurilliux"When Jabba the Hutt makes it over here, he's gonna crush these rat bastards."
39782017-10-12 12:55:50glitchcogHave a tug, Packers!
39792017-10-12 13:13:30glitchcogThat spider lives on your face now.
39802017-10-12 13:13:56sophieIf you're too happy, you die
39812017-10-12 13:22:58glitchcogIs concussion an emotion?
39822017-10-12 13:47:03sophieI am the burgerman now
39832017-10-12 14:06:39glitchcogSidenote, that's Pacman's butthole.
39842017-10-12 15:01:30sophieI prefer depressed pac-man
39852017-10-12 15:17:00glitchcogThe depression ladder climb? I like to call it Hearthstone.
39862017-10-12 15:17:51glitchcogI say the most garbage.
39942017-10-15 14:27:30derapfelstrudelWe are literally cats.
39962017-10-17 16:18:40sophieOf course I know nihilism!
39972017-10-18 12:58:37aurilliux"There's no way this'll be another fight... right...? NO! Are you shitting me?"
39982017-10-18 13:51:57derapfelstrudelThink of me more like a viking than a pilgrim.
39992017-10-20 15:38:19derapfelstrudelWe are not gonna die. SwishSmug
40002017-10-20 16:10:08derapfelstrudelI need to slaughter at least three more innocents before I feel better about it.
40032017-10-22 04:23:04heyhowsitgoin99*blows himself up with the Rocket Launcher* My god, I should have used the pistol.
40042017-10-22 07:31:05sophieI'm a small girl, much less fat than a pig!
40072017-10-24 15:58:47glitchcogI know the streets. AND their talk.
40102017-10-25 11:26:08swishfaceI need to be in that potato. Or Whatever that is.
40112017-10-25 11:26:57swishfaceI am litterally just murdering enemies; that isn't helping my goal at all!
40122017-10-25 13:25:05derapfelstrudelIt's actually my hip-hop name. I do nothing but hot rhymes about botany.
40132017-10-25 13:52:44spectralistWhat was happening that I had previously set myself on fire‽
40142017-10-25 14:42:40glitchcogFuck I'm good at streaming.
40152017-10-25 14:43:45sophieHe really had his shit together, as far as doing evil went.
40162017-10-27 16:58:58sophieI'm pretty sure every human is racist
40202017-10-29 09:15:09sophiegod, I look terrible
40212017-10-29 12:37:16sophieI guess I'm an escort now
40232017-10-31 12:18:51spectralistPineapple's good on everything.
40262017-10-31 19:22:37derapfelstrudelWe need to get more ignorant!
40452017-11-02 15:35:12toastydonutsPay to Win Mother Fuckuh
40462017-11-02 15:35:49swishfaceYou pay to win mother fucker.
40482017-11-03 16:15:18sophieYes, I'm the Russian girl!
40522017-11-05 14:39:04caittusI wonder if I can kill all these Goombas just by unzipping.
40532017-11-05 15:00:52derapfelstrudelStop mating, eat my bait!
40542017-11-05 15:39:20aurilliux"You're just letting these dumbs pass by."
40552017-11-05 15:39:53swishfaceYou're just letting these dumbs pass by.
40562017-11-05 16:19:50aurilliux"I should've been a Cheep Cheep."
40602017-11-06 02:28:52sophieAre you trying to tell me vampires can't be Mexican?
40612017-11-06 13:16:12glitchcogIt's always the worst when people use vehicles for trafficking.
40622017-11-06 14:18:33derapfelstrudelI do very much wanna be a little sailor boy tho!
40632017-11-06 14:19:18swishfaceI do very much wanna be a little sailor boy though.
40642017-11-06 14:22:39glitchcogHug the walls and pray for mercy!
40712017-11-10 02:30:25sophieOooh, boobs!
40722017-11-10 22:48:12derapfelstrudelThe secret is pain. The answer to life itself.
40852017-11-14 07:16:14sophieIt's fine, gravity can't kill us
40862017-11-14 14:00:21sophieI can't count to 10 but let's see
40872017-11-14 14:41:17sophieJust because you're on ecstasy doesn't mean you're not having a good time
40882017-11-14 17:20:46derapfelstrudelI am just a man wooing at bushes.
40892017-11-14 19:09:04glitchcogIt requires no effort- the best kind of nifty!
40912017-11-18 20:26:25spectralistI guess we can just dance
40992017-11-21 14:11:49sophieFrogs, in general, are pretty legit
41002017-11-22 14:00:50sophieThat felt excellent right up to the point where I fell off that cliff
41082017-11-27 23:43:30caittusI'm going to rub my face against everything.
41092017-11-28 01:35:37sophieWhatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck why? That's the third time that lizard fuck has burned me
41152017-12-02 22:11:51sophieFinally. Finally we have saved these bastard children.
41162017-12-02 23:08:34caittusI'm glad I'm in the same category as porn.
41182017-12-03 00:35:29sophieOne day I'm gonna get this. Those burning sons of bitches will stop burning, I swear to christ
41232017-12-04 08:09:50sophieI hate every single fucking peasant in this town
41242017-12-04 08:38:31sophieI can't remember what that quote was referring to, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the Third Reich
41262017-12-06 10:51:46sophieI need more time! I need more time to murder!
41282017-12-07 23:44:57caittusSometimes it's good to say dumb things and have it work out.
41372017-12-11 15:48:01spectralist[Megaman]X7 is a better game than Sonic
41382017-12-11 15:56:03sophieLabyrinth Zone...this can only go well
41432017-12-15 11:38:31caittusFire hurts, I'll never learn that.
41462017-12-17 08:52:02ftwisttI need to murder a baby? Alright I'm down
41482017-12-19 12:40:10derapfelstrudelI would totally enslave a wolfman.
41542017-12-25 12:08:01sophieThey're subtle, in a dumb anime obvious way
41612017-12-28 12:20:41caittusI can't slap a giraffe around? Why even bother.
41642017-12-31 03:22:03spectralistHow's there always a penguin‽
41652017-12-31 04:06:54glitchcogEverywhere! Everywhere you go! It's just different trolls!
41662017-12-31 05:01:04glitchcogI want to cut off both my thumbs so I never have to touch another video game.
41672017-12-31 15:56:33sophieLet's get some tentacles involved
41682017-12-31 16:41:23gamey_cactusShit, we're back in fuck city
41692017-12-31 19:18:12caittusOther streamers are bitches.
41702017-12-31 19:41:49caittusI was right all along, books are for chumps!
41742018-01-04 13:49:12glitchcogSo yeah, I think murder is okay.
41752018-01-05 03:33:14sophieEnjoy! I added a bunch of garbage at the end.
41772018-01-06 09:29:40swift_taloni should still be able to beat my wife, all i want to do in this world
41802018-01-10 20:36:33derapfelstrudelI have never used logical thinking once.
41832018-01-14 15:05:28glitchcogI don't know what my goal is. I think I'm winning though!
41842018-01-14 15:31:55glitchcogI do the vast majority of the things I say I will.
41962018-02-02 21:31:38glitchcogI shall throw away the contraception this evening.
41972018-02-02 22:05:36glitchcogAhhh, I'm taking the rock.
42072018-02-11 08:27:10dash_retro"*sigh* ... I love the slave trade."
42092018-02-11 18:31:00heyhowsitgoin99Fight me, Nerd!!
42112018-02-13 14:16:08toastydonutsfucking pixel hunting prick
42212018-02-22 18:55:41toastydonutsI don't know, but if you go to Taco Bell you pretty much earned that diarrhea
42232018-02-24 02:13:55aurilliux"Leave. Leave. Leave! Leave? Leave, though."
42242018-02-24 15:41:39aurilliux"I'm also driving a giant penis, which I'm pretty happy about."
42322018-03-05 14:53:49glitchcogDon't listen to those bitch scientists who say otherwise.
42392018-03-11 20:00:37heyhowsitgoin99I do enjoy shiv'ing people to death.
42962018-04-02 06:18:32aurilliux"How dare you like birds."
42992018-04-03 14:52:05glitchcogNow that's lawyering.
43022018-04-04 13:42:09derapfelstrudelThey have great WiFi connection in their bomb shelter.
45662018-05-19 08:53:14sophieTrust nobody, they're all dragons
45682018-05-21 15:08:12spectralistGet fucked bird I can read!
45702018-05-23 16:19:06caittusI got distracted thinking about multiple Mormon wives.
45712018-05-23 19:31:49caittusPlease just let me go to bed happy for once.
45782018-05-28 14:39:32aurilliux"Why do people want news, ever?!"
45842018-06-02 13:55:45caittusI don't know if I've ever said anything more quotable.
45852018-06-02 15:04:54derapfelstrudelIt is gonna be a good month.
45892018-06-03 16:19:10caittusIt's almost 4:04:20, Weed Not Found
45902018-06-04 14:23:00derapfelstrudelI have so many brains
45912018-06-04 16:30:42derapfelstrudelNon euclidean stairs... my one weakness!
45952018-06-08 19:29:25caittusI forgot Tentacool existed.
45992018-06-11 07:02:40sophie"I won't have to collect every crystal shard because this is a good game unlike Super Princess Peach"
46002018-06-11 16:51:06aurilliux"It's like Wings of Vi, but I don't wanna."
46072018-06-13 01:36:42glitchcogOh that's a wall! That's a wall, and that's a fall.
46102018-06-13 04:58:22glitchcogI love being good at video games!
46152018-06-18 17:02:18derapfelstrudelI am Dumbo.
46162018-06-19 12:49:28derapfelstrudelI have to hit kids with a bus? That's all I ever wanted!
46172018-06-20 12:11:18derapfelstrudelHave you never done a house before? Bombs are always involved.
46222018-06-21 20:09:47aurilliux"Always judge a book by its cover."
46322018-06-27 12:50:20derapfelstrudelI like that my pants are all messy.
46402018-07-04 17:37:51sophieAaaah~ the tentacle screws me again LewdYuka
46482018-07-10 22:36:31caittusGod, I'm so smart. ...Now what?
46552018-07-16 17:24:21aurilliux"Aren't we all just a figment of a dead god's imagination?"
46742018-08-01 13:21:10derapfelstrudelStealing is its own reward.
46772018-08-02 16:24:11derapfelstrudelThe tits usually give it away.
46912018-08-07 21:25:16aurilliux"Gotting good is a good idea."
46922018-08-09 15:22:44caittusI just love entertaining myself.
46952018-08-10 13:18:21derapfelstrudelI am willing to spend infinite money on my car.
47472018-08-28 11:30:06caittusThree minutes? I don't think I've ever taken longer than that.
47672018-09-05 06:35:47sophieShenmue is the best game ever made
47992018-09-19 18:54:25sophieI want to throw up in my own shoes out of pure rage
48062018-09-26 17:41:15sophieSpanish is the Chinese of europe
48072018-09-27 13:31:12glitchcogHow's is Guile as fuck.
48182018-10-01 20:11:55camrocrocksUnconscious but not dead? At least unconscious and not dead.
48192018-10-01 23:00:32camrocrocksYes, I am late for the month. A few days.
48202018-10-03 18:28:16derapfelstrudelI wish my body was hotter.
48302018-10-11 21:01:33caittusTo be fair, I was trying to hit him at high speed. I didn't hit the stop button, the game did.
48312018-10-11 22:22:48aurilliux"Right in the taint. The grippiest place on a lizard."
48472018-10-24 08:39:14sophie"I'm trying to do math here" *awkwardly long silence*
49222018-12-05 17:39:33aurilliux"I work all days. -- Auri Rilliux"
49352018-12-13 08:39:46echaen"These whips feel real good" - Swish
49492018-12-23 19:12:15aurilliux"Can I pick up your butt spores?"
49632019-01-03 12:55:19caittusI too like to aim through my butt.
49782019-01-21 02:59:30aurilliux"He's one of those typical fur lizards. You know the ones."
49882019-01-24 12:26:06derapfelstrudelI was outsmarted by a crab mushroom.
49912019-01-25 09:03:51derapfelstrudelAhhh this gentle concrete has softened my fall! Thank Christ, we almost hit that water!
49922019-01-26 12:23:29derapfelstrudelThe sultan's private boxershorts are mine.
50102019-02-15 22:23:04derapfelstrudelI should murder my grandfather more often.
50142019-02-19 09:35:19caittusCorpses are a good way to research things, they don't struggle as much.
50732019-04-09 13:20:38dromonsI'm thinking as much and as hard as I need to
50982019-05-10 19:56:44caittusI don't think for myself, I'm just along for the ride.
51192019-06-03 03:45:57heyhowsitgoin99I never ate that pickle!
51202019-06-03 03:47:52heyhowsitgoin99Oh I guess I did eat the pickle.
51252019-06-09 20:21:18aurilliux"If there's one thing I understand, it's bad posture."
51262019-06-09 20:22:54aurilliux"I just noticed Auri did another quote with quotation marks."
51272019-06-10 15:58:18aurilliux"You can quote me on that."
51282019-06-10 15:58:56aurilliux"You added fucking quotation marks too."
51402019-06-15 16:49:00aurilliux"I don't want death."
51422019-06-17 16:27:52aurilliuxPointing! doodlecheer2
51432019-06-17 18:13:20aurilliuxdoodleCheer2 Pointing!
51442019-06-18 00:18:04aurilliux"(begrudgingly) thanks a lot, dude"
51552019-06-30 17:38:15caittusI wonder if I can talk to those girls who drugged me.
51562019-07-01 17:15:04andyperfectI do want to kill myself
51632019-07-07 18:42:32aurilliux"Get a stronger god. Have you tried Satan?"
51752019-07-21 04:29:03swishfaceI've met many things that are weak to death
51762019-07-21 04:29:28aurilliux"You can do exactly what I did, but not misspell 'quote'."
51892019-08-01 13:59:07derapfelstrudelSo do you want me to undress here or behind a curtain?
52092019-08-12 12:32:35derapfelstrudelGod... I need to get them in the same room so I can set said room on fire.
52132019-08-19 06:33:08sophieThis game just raised an entire point because of that one piece of dialogue
52182019-08-27 17:11:21andyperfectI've never felt more let down than I have right now about not knowing more terms for butchering cow butt
52192019-08-27 17:51:14zorrotsuI've eaten enough slime to know what not to wrap my mouth around
52202019-08-27 17:56:16zorrotsuI ate his ass for sustenance! I ate his ass for fun.
52232019-09-05 21:09:52aurilliux"I spend my dumbs wisely. -- AndyPerfect"
52662019-10-03 19:18:25aurilliux"It's not a factor of luck, it's a fuck me, Ingrid."
93892019-12-29 17:05:39aurilliux"I've never forgotten anything in my whole life."
94082020-01-13 14:56:50caittusButter, otherwise known as the eggs of the cow.
94142020-01-17 06:06:32aurilliux"Oh, she's a tanooki. Where are her giant nuts?"
94202020-01-20 17:09:32aurilliux"I don't care about my shitty fitness, but Beccy does so I'll do it for her."
94262020-01-22 15:17:21derapfelstrudelAgain I only wish that its animation was longer!
94702020-02-15 13:46:06caittusI'd prefer D, given the choice.
95102020-02-25 16:00:08caittusLet me double-check, do I really need to feed my own kids?
95132020-02-27 18:06:55worsethanyouYou can suck my attract pipe, Theo
95142020-02-27 18:07:19swishface9513
95422020-03-10 15:54:16derapfelstrudelYou speak nothing but truths Strudel.
95712020-03-17 17:53:20caittusOh, I'm poor, it doesn't matter if I die.
95782020-03-21 15:55:07caittusI guess Coco would be my teacher for fisting.
96002020-03-30 18:33:47caittusThis is what you got me for my birthday, Beccy, Student with Ribbon in Hair.
96342020-04-07 14:33:33aurilliux"the first and second things Auri's done as a mod were approve quotes with quotation marks" -- Caittus
96452020-04-10 16:23:36derapfelstrudelMonogamy is for chumps!
96952020-04-27 16:30:53caittusNo! Don't let me die of my own fault!
97072020-05-03 16:34:40caittusOh, she fucked up the pleasure.
97452020-05-27 00:42:54smurftonLuckily, my Estma went away
97862020-06-16 19:14:05aurilliux"What kind of idiot wants defense?"
97972020-06-25 15:36:55derapfelstrudelAgain... obelisks always a good sign.
98252020-07-16 12:37:19derapfelstrudelFriendship is the worst!
98552020-08-07 14:34:11zorrotsuNo information goes into my brain.
99172020-10-04 15:58:36sophieImagine the amount of ass he could eat
99332020-10-22 18:06:01erroratu"If you're getting cock and ball torture from a cat girl, its not torture" - 22.10.2020
99342020-10-22 18:06:58swishfaceIf you're getting cock and ball torture from a cat girl, its not torture
99352020-10-22 18:07:21lucarioaur"nekomata is torture"
99362020-10-22 18:13:31jindraagWhy are you killing yourself right now !?!
99492020-11-01 14:41:04worsethanyouI'd still recommend Persona 1
99672020-11-14 16:41:55heyhowsitgoin99Not even top 100, ugh
99682020-11-14 17:07:24caittusI kind of want him to just stay homeless.
99812020-11-28 19:15:20lucarioaurmove your butt
99852020-11-29 16:47:27lucarioaurit looks like a vagin with teeth
99942020-12-05 20:12:10aurilliux"Look at that parallelogram in the sky!"
100302020-12-28 16:40:26derapfelstrudelI need to goomba everything!
102002021-03-05 14:00:03jindraagWe as a stream need to add more quotes
102072021-03-09 09:53:17jindraagFuck my recovery then
102872021-04-14 13:53:22swishfaceIt seems to only tell me about inches
102892021-04-15 08:35:09jindraagIts why my naming conventions are always perfect
103832021-06-08 10:34:38worsethanyouIt was basically just a dude. A dude with slightly more tentacles
103942021-06-15 11:09:17swishfaceTheir butts look like hands that were painted like a peacock
103952021-06-15 11:44:34smurftonBig crits, no slips, that's the team name! Big crits no slips.
103992021-06-19 14:59:11swishfaceHow is princess Peach not a queen.. Do you have a mom?
104052021-06-24 15:32:41swishfaceWhich one of these is confidence and eating food?
104112021-06-26 17:27:45smurftonMaybe Last Bible Special is a better game
104132021-06-27 23:22:36smurftonI wish I had Yosuke here
104282021-07-06 12:39:52worsethanyouSixteen! Oh, I'm so erect
104442021-07-17 13:34:43smurftonZero responsibilities, just add quotes
104452021-07-17 13:35:20smurftonAn important quote for all the ages
104462021-07-17 13:37:01smurftonWhy would I ever care what viewers have to say
104482021-07-17 13:40:06shidohariUm...Am I going to die?
104492021-07-17 14:17:41smurftonThat's the best thing I'm gonna say all day. No problem chat, that was my gift for all of you.
104762021-08-10 11:50:47smurftonThere is a lot of quotes about Junpei… cus he sucks
106762022-06-02 10:48:03smurftonHow does the game escalate from this?
106802022-06-23 12:59:22smurftonThank you Sami passive!
106812022-06-23 14:02:19worsethanyouWhat a guy, I wish I could recruit it onto my team like Fire Emblem; make it marry a tank, let them live happily ever after.
106822022-06-24 13:31:58smurftonthe master baiter is gonna make them come for me; what a dream!
106832022-06-24 14:40:25smurftonIf I could make my tanks fuck? That's how you make an A- into an A+ right there
106842022-06-24 14:41:44smurftonI wouldn't be the only one that wants to make the tanks fuck, under fifty percent? probably
106872022-07-02 10:45:29smurftonI was meant to make a man there. I was meant to make a man, now I am sad
106932022-07-07 10:33:10derapfelstrudelAndy is too successful... infuriating!
107142022-08-09 12:36:09derapfelstrudelGold?! I was here for the syphilis!
107742022-10-24 23:38:10smurftonMaybe Max's strength is just not good enough
107752022-10-24 23:47:28smurftonHow is my solution for Max just, you need to make ranged units? And it's never incorrect, it's never wrong
107802022-11-03 13:03:49smurftonI did kinda forget that you need to pay to, shoot people
107952022-11-25 23:54:51smurftonI don't need you, can you just piss in this jar for me ... please ... just piss in the jar
108032022-12-06 09:24:13worsethanyouHow do I desecrate the dead?
108072022-12-21 11:02:27derapfelstrudelAlways say "Yes!", to all questionmarks.
108362023-02-06 15:25:54smurftonLast time was actually great, apart from the part where I died
108612023-04-17 15:31:24smurftonI think Ninja Gaiden's better. I think Ninja Gaiden's better
108622023-04-17 15:38:44smurftonThat was a weird thing to do in front of us. We have a duck with no pants and you're over here singing your childhood song of sadness
108662023-04-18 12:07:41smurftonI wanna blow up the sun, at some point
108752023-05-12 16:03:46smurftonMan, why am I the worst part of our team?
108942023-06-14 12:34:45smurftonI don't even feel the need to call child services for once
109002023-06-20 22:36:22smurftonNo thanks, Hidetoshi. Why is that a choice? Throw him on the pile of No
109052023-07-06 12:19:22smurftonWade always survives. There's two things that Wade does, introduce himself and live
109062023-07-06 12:20:16smurftonLet Wade live on forever in quotes. Exactly what he deserves
109122023-07-25 11:42:17smurftonThat's the one I got rid of that made it less exciting! What happened? Where did my excitement go?
109132023-07-25 12:37:41derapfelstrudelThey aren't basic bitches... They come to the club wearing Gucci™
109142023-08-03 11:33:49smurftonI was literally just thinking "oh who's this sucker that got all their points taken from them?" It's me! I'm the sucker. I'm the one who sucks
109152023-08-03 12:22:16smurftonIt was fine... except for the part where I lost, but apart from that, it was fine
109212023-08-23 12:41:05smurftonThere are so many murders around my house... I'll let you deduce what I mean by that
109282023-09-05 15:47:48glitchcogHookshot is not a Spider-man.
109322023-09-21 13:22:33smurftonThose little bastards have probably screwed me over before
109332023-09-26 21:50:37smurftonOne line of dialog and I hate ever fiber of this little shit ... and then I get kicked in the head
109382023-10-18 12:03:28worsethanyouIt makes you feel something; it's probably better than Pokemon
109652024-01-02 12:51:32smurftonMaking games look better and have geometry in them was a mistake... Just pure flat walls, exactly one polygon in them, that was the golden era
109782024-02-13 19:28:09magashisama"I just wanted the goblin to think i was cool!"


Command Output
!!auriAuri and Dean take on the world at https://www.twitch.tv/aurilliux DirtDrgn
!!deadAlternate universe deaths: Everyone. They all died. Including Amelia. Some of them even died twice.
!!decklistRemind Swish after this game, he'll probably forget though.
!!discordSeriously Swish is always in there: https://discord.gg/pmVsx5h
!!fe9deadsee !dead until game completion
!!incentivesSpellcheck - $500
!!noteDon't not jump.
!!pb#61 - 64 deaths 1:04:28
!24hrEvery $15 will add an extra hour onto the 24hr stream, up to a max of 28hrs.
!24hrsEvery $15 will add an extra hour onto the 24hr stream, up to a max of 28hrs.
!aboutpollYou can vote in a new poll each day, the votes will be cumulatively added to determine the eventual winner.
!akechiPlease Leave. SwishWrong
!alertsNew Bit Alerts for 100 and 500, what could they be :thinkingface:
!aliveIke, Titania, Oscar, Boyd, Shinon, Gatrie, Mia, Rolf, Mist, Marcia
!andyperfectAndyPerfect is not a twatter.
!andystatusANDY is shiny.
!angel#101 - 89 deaths, 1:13:30
!¡!andystatus¡ANDY está mirando directamente a los ojos de SWISH!
!bbqIs a noun.
!beccyIt's Beccy's job to be the adult, I'm the fun one.
!bingoJoin the pokemon move bingo, just click the link and change number of cards to create to 1! https://tinyurl.com/gen3bingo
!bitgoalNew Yakuza Game streamed on the night of my actual wedding day
!blindIt's a blind playthrough, dude, don't tell Swish <message deleted>.
!charityFrom December 12-27 you can use #charity or the custom Charity Cheermote when cheering bits in any channel. For every 100 bits, Twitch will donate $0.20 to Direct Relief while streamers keep 100% of the cheered bits!
!clipFeel free to make clips and link them here in discord : https://discord.gg/664px7f
!clipshttps://clips.twitch.tv/swishface/GentleKoalaTheThing - See this clip and more at Swish's YouTube channel. Some day.
!commandsFor a list of commands just look under the stream and click on Junko's face!
!cradleThe cradle goes on top of the baby
!deadDad, Ilyana's hopes, Zihark's hopes, Makalov's hopes, Boyd, Rhys, Titania, Kieran, Shinon the traitor
!deckSomeone might link it from discord? Or Swish will show it after this game. If he feels like it. Or remembers.
!demon32581 deaths, 241:19:01 hours
!discordAnyone can join the Swishcord. https://discord.gg/pmVsx5h
!dumbiesToday's stream is brought to you by dumbs! Collect them just by watching the stream and redeem rewards of your choosing!
!dumbsDumbs are the in-stream currency that you get just by watching. Redeem them just by hovering over the stream player!
!fe8aliveEirika, Tana, Natasha, Franz, Vanessa, Ewan, Ephraim, Myrrh, Amelia, Syrene, Saleh, Innes, L'Arachel, Seth, Garcia, Duessel
!fe8deadRoss, Neimi, Kyle, Moulder, Artur, Forde again, Gilliam, Colm couldn't avoid his fate, Marisa, Rennac escaped getting killed later on, Lute, Cormag, Knoll, Tethys, Joshua, Gerik, Dozla
!fe9deadDad, Ilyana's hopes, Zihark's hopes, Makalov's hopes, Boyd, Rhys, Titania, Kieran, Shinon the traitor, Haar
!ffzTo use custom emoticons in this channel, get FrankerFaceZ from https://www.frankerfacez.com CatBag
!foreal93/1.05 for reals per hour
!forreal75/ 1.1 for reals per hour
!gambleType how many dumbs you want to gamble on the bet Swish just made on stream now! (Max 100 unless Swish says so)
!gamepassany two gifted subs will grant you 3 months of pc gamepass, a twitch promotion that I actually think is very cool
!goalXenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition
!goalsAt 5 subs during this persona 5 speedrun I will play persona 4 for the first time in 10 years. At $30 donated/bits I will play Yakuza Kiwami 2, starting tomorrow.
!hiWelcome to Die ~ SwishJoy ~
!i'msorryI was born stupid.
!incentivesDragan Quest XI - $20
!joy3Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart
!joy5Kirby's Forgotten Land, GoW Ragnarock, Bayonetta 3
!jumpHere's a link to all the nonsense words Fangame people use for their bullshit jumps. http://fangam.es/jumps
!k2noteHold left, you piece of shit
!k2statsDeaths: 15985 Time: 31:12:19
!linkYes you may post links, just don't post anything that would get you banned!
!nohelpTreat this as a blind playthrough. No help, leading questions or hints. All of Swish's words are rhetorical and probably stupid.
!noteKill that guy.
!nuzlockeRules: Faint = Dead, First Pk/Area, Nickname, Blackout = Game Over, No Reloads, Budget Per Area, area level cap.
!playGames to Play: tinyurl.com/qjo4b85
!randoEverything is randomised, pokemon appearance, movesets, trainers, stats, evolutions, tms, etc.
!revealsCurrent Games: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rbuM7mZFKGNoumwlaHarMFy3PcFS_L0htwnF5xuA8xE/edit?usp=sharing
!selloutEvery bit/cent donated will earn a dumb, because the idea of that is very funny to Swish on a meta level.
!sinpSinp to Win!
!snowqueen https://www.strawpoll.me/18418430
!solutionFind the [Frozen Chicken]
!songSwish's Playlist - https://open.spotify.com/user/1231660820/playlist/5IGGRT8WtKlFZ16ysimL5Q
!subgoal3 new subs this stream and I'll route and speedrun Raidou Juzunoha 1
!subgoals25 = Baba is You, 30 = Catherine Full Body, 35 = Polls Return for the Rest of the Year
!subtemberGo and sub to all your favourite streamers for half price, after your done with them, give Swish a thought maybe.
!swishSwish is a foppy
!swishcordSee !discord
!swishtivalWelcome to the Swishtival - 10 days of horrible loneliness filled with even more streaming! Incentives at every $40 and any stream that receives over $25 will go for at least 12hrs!
!topicDo we need !topic?
!tricktreatFor every $2/200 bits donated I'll be giving out a random game and eating gross vegemite, a trick and treat!
!twitterFollow Swish on Twitter I Guess: https://twitter.com/swishface
!viewervoteAll games this month are voted by viewers, whatever is happening... its your fault.
!worldstateThe Current State is Chaos - https://tinyurl.com/5x8zbedh
!xcomdeadAndy, Worse, Sophie, ChrisJD, Pomelo, Rongall, Strudel, Raptor, Jellybean, Hows, Auri, xXxChase420xXx
!xmasSubgoals until Jan 5th: 5 - Case of the Golden Idol, 10 - Against the Storm, 15 - Tales of Arise
!ytwatch Swishface on youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHm8k-fHePAZNsHJUKyYdHw