!!banalixe | /ban TheRealAlixe @exec@[2,!say /ban TheRealAlixe] |
!!dgssdgd | @customapi@[https://mitchs.tech/i/retrgfdgffdgfd.php] |
!!dsgfdsnh | @if@[@target@||||@user@ - Please input a search term!||https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=@target@] |
!!fddfhdf | fdgd5585dgdfg8 |
!!followersc | %8 /w @target@ Followers: @customapi@[https://api.rtainc.co/twitch/followers/count?channel=@target@] |
!!fuckingbotdowork | @edipoints@[all|@target@[1]] |
!!gdfngiusdb | @customapi@[https://mitchs.tech/i/383.txt] |
!!gfsdgdfs | @cmdstatus@[!whisperall] |
!!hiiiiiiiiiiiiii | hi... |
!!hosting | @if@[@customapi@[http://dhelp.xyz/oguproar/hosting/index.php?user=oguproar]||||D: No one is hosting AJ!||Thanks to @customapi@[http://dhelp.xyz/oguproar/hosting/index.php?user=oguproar] for hosting the stream!] |
!!howlongc | @customapi@[https://apis.rtainc.co/twitchbot/created?user=@user@] |
!!joinserver | @if@[>=||@points@||20||!joinserveryessendchuywhisper||/w @user@ Sorry - You don't have 20 Gum or more; you cannot join the town but, you can join the server] |
!!multi | Streaming live alongside twitch.tv/@readfile@[multi.txt] live together on multitwitch.tv/PhantomSFX/@readfile@[multi.txt] come watch us together! |
!!nightbotdothis1 | !fdgfd |
!!pointsadd | This command was run @editpoints@[@user@|100] |
!!rekt | rekt @user@ |
!!sdbfidsbi | @customapi@[https://mitchs.tech/i/384.txt] |
!!setmulti | %8 @savefile@[multi.txt,] |
!!status | Title: @title@ :: Game: @game@ |
!!testra | !hello |
!!testsongtest | @song@ |
!!testttttt | !hello |
!!titleis? | @title@ |
!!transferall2 | PogChamp it's raining @pointsname@! PogChamp @editpoints@[all|@target@[1]] |
!!transferall20 | it's raining @pointsname@! @editpoints@[all|@target@[1]] |
!!tsdfdsfdsf | @edipoints@[all|@target@[1]] |
!!tsgdsf | %10 helo |
!!ttesgtst | !hello |
!!wtest | @if@[@user@||mitch619911||Mitch is simply amazing. Supernova, mind meltingly amazing. @sound@[1, C:/DeepBot - Twitch Streamer Assistant/NewSub3.wav] |
!add | !dothis1 !fdgfd |
!new | !hello |