gocubbies2016 Quoteconut Data

Highlights Quotes Commands


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  ID Date Submitter Quote
49032018-11-27 06:28:24thiccgeneral"This is the best game of all time, anyone who disagrees is correct" -Cubbies 2018
49372018-12-18 16:30:42thiccgeneral"I love crack" - Sociopath10 2018
49672019-01-04 22:40:27thiccgeneral"Are you guys ready for the easiest boss ever?" *Proceeds to die 10 seconds in* -Cubbies 2019 https://clips.twitch.tv/BigInventiveMarjoramGivePLZ
49682019-01-07 00:03:44gocubbies2016“what am i gay or soemthing” -tareqman, 2019
49872019-01-24 08:36:14thiccgeneral"They don't call me trampophile for nothing." -ThiccGeneral 2019
50072019-02-11 05:09:23thiccmoonsterwol248"hrsma erhermsgsr herhehh" -gocubbies 2019
50082019-02-11 05:20:33thiccmoonsterwol248" : raysH means raysHelpMeGodIMaySeemFineOnTheOutsideButIHaveNoSoulPleaseEndMySufferingIAmForeverInThisWavingPosistion" -GoThicc2016


Command Output
!"guysliterally only one want one thing and its fucking rocket league" -gocubbies2019
!addhecc !purge <user>
!dev2:55:73 stormy ass cubbies
!doiIN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the se
!̵̶̢̢̼̭̗̝͚̫̬͕̼̤̫͚̫͇̫̰̹͖͚̞̑̉͛͗́̇́͒͆̆͂͊̋̋̾̚͝ĝ̶̢̢͇͇̠̺̟̼̹̐̊̅̑̎͂͘̕͝ͅO̵̰͔̊ ̵̹̟̿̀͒̚̕͠Ȍ̵̢͓̭̥̜̱͚͖̞̬͍͍̬̠̑D̵̠͋͗͝ ̶̗͚͔̀̆͗̚͝b̷̭̻͍͇͇̔͝ỳ̵̧̢̦̼̤̯͈̲̠͒͗̎̌͘ê̶̝͉̐͂̍̓͌̒̏͛̎͘͘ ̸̢̙̱̠̼͍͇͚̮̤̺͋͆͐͑͒́͐̅̓̈́̀͛̀̕̚t̶̨̼̟͍̀͋̎̇̏̀͋̀̔̒̒͊̈͠o̶̢̨̬̫̺͈̮͉̪̹̞̘̮̹̎͆́̓̓̒̏̓̈̐̓̕ ̵̧̨̬͙͖̙͚̠̥̙̓͋̃͜͜U̵͕̜͈̽̎̓͛R̴̢̧̘̃̒̓͗̆̀̉́̍̍̈ ̸̨̫͌̒̇͊̃̌͠ ̶̢̨̰̲͍̱͉͖͙͇̼̫̬̄̄͒̄̀̂͗̀̅̾̐̕t̸̡̛̻͔̂̎̿́͆̍̈́̐̓̕͠͝w̶̨̛̛̥̠̗̯̹͓̦̻̼͕̩̪̲͈̐͆̑̎̾̐̾̆ ̶̳͖͙̞̃̎̌̚i̸̛̺̖̻̖͚͙̳̣̓̓̌̅͆̀̏̎̋̅͘t̵͓̩̲͍̝͕̒̈ ̷̖͍̙͍̞͈́̔͗̇͊́̉ċ̴̼̭̙̥̹͔͖̙̖̺̭͛́̓̿͐̉͗͌́͂̌̂͜͠͠H̶́̄̓̇̒̃͌͒͋̇̏̇͝
!saturoCubbies will be sponsored by Saturo soon™ chrisGrin